Friday, March 11, 2011

Your Email is also able to "call display" it?

Living in the Internet age, everyone must often use e-mail. However, each time you mail when you know each other real sources? In fact, if spend DreamMail, then you can easily access each other's geographical location, to achieve "caller ID"! Here they could take one look together.

In fact, DreamMail is a very professional email software, it Foxmail, Outlook, like, can be used for management and e-mail. More importantly, DreamMail is a pure free software that lets you ease of use. It with other mail client software, the biggest difference is that we can achieve, "Caller ID" and feature more, the operation is relatively easy.

If you e-mail client software for other more familiar, then it will be familiar with the use of DreamMail. Start DreamMail first start the wizard appears, you enter the account number, name, e-mail servers and other basic information, enter the end, you can accept the mail. DreamMail鐨勪娇鐢ㄧ晫闈㈠鍥?鎵?ず锛岄粯璁ゆ儏鍐典笅锛屼粠鐣岄潰涓彲浠ョ湅鍑猴紝鍦ㄩ偖浠剁獥鍙d腑鐨勭涓夋爮涓衡?鏉ユ簮璺熻釜鈥濓紝灏辨槸鐢靛瓙閭欢鐨勨?鏉ョ數鏄剧ず鈥濅簡銆備緥濡傦紝浠庡浘涓婂彲浠ョ洿鎺ョ湅鍑鸿繖閲屾湁鍑犲皝閭欢鏉ヨ嚜鈥滄竻鍗庡ぇ瀛︾綉缁滀腑蹇冣?锛岀珶鐒惰兘绮剧‘鍒板叿浣撶殑鏌愪釜鍗曚綅鏌愪釜閮ㄩ棬锛岀‘瀹炴槸闈炲父鐨勭濂囷紝鏈変簡鐢靛瓙閭欢鐨勨?鏉ョ數鏄剧ず鈥濓紝鏌愪簺鍨冨溇閭欢浣犲氨鍙互鏈夐?鎷╃殑鐩存帴璺宠繃鍘讳簡锛岀‘瀹炵渷蹇冪渷鍔涖?鑰岄偖浠朵俊鎭篃灏藉湪鎴戠殑鎺屾彙涔嬩腑浜嗭紒鐢变簬杞欢鐨勨?鏉ョ數鏄剧ず鈥濆姛鑳戒笌IP鍦板潃瀵圭収琛ㄥ瘑鍒囩浉鍏筹紝鎵?互濡傛灉瑕佸緱鍒版洿鏂版洿鍏ㄧ殑鍦板潃淇℃伅锛屽缓璁缁忓父鏇存柊杞欢銆傚?寰楃О閬撶殑鏄紝DreamMail涔熸彁渚涗竴涓嚜鍔ㄦ娴嬫洿鏂扮殑鍔熻兘銆傜偣鍑昏蒋浠朵腑鈥滃府鍔┾?鈫掆?妫?煡鏂扮増鏈?锛屽氨浼氳嚜鍔ㄥ府鍔╀綘涓嬭浇鏈?柊鐨勮蒋浠剁増鏈簡銆?br />

Figure 1

銆??鍗冧竾鍒互涓篋reamMail鍚稿紩浜虹殑鍦版柟鍙湁鈥滄潵鐢垫樉绀衡?锛岃繕鏈夊緢澶氬叾瀹冪嫭鐗圭殑鍔熻兘锛岄潪甯稿?寰楀幓浣跨敤銆傚畠閲囩敤澶氱敤鎴峰拰澶氬笎鍙锋柟寮忔潵绠$悊鐢靛瓙閭欢锛屽鏋滀綘鐨勭數鑴戞湁濂藉嚑涓汉鍚屾椂浣跨敤锛岄偅涔堜娇鐢―reamMail灏卞彲浠ユ瘡涓汉寤虹珛涓?釜閭欢甯愬彿锛屽ぇ瀹朵簰涓嶅共鎵帮紝闅愮淇濇姢鍏ㄧ劧涓嶆槸闂銆傚畠杩樻敮鎸丼MTP銆乪SMTP銆丳OP3銆丠otmail銆乊ahoo绛夐偖浠跺崗璁紝璁╀綘鑳藉杞绘澗鎺ユ敹涓栫晫涓婃墍鏈夌殑閭欢銆傚彟澶栵紝DreamMail 杩樻敮鎸佺壒蹇笓閫掋?璇煶閭欢銆佸尶鍚嶅彂閫佸強缇ょ粍鍙戦?绛夛紝鍏峰鎵?湁鍏跺畠閭欢鏀跺彂杞欢鐨勫姛鑳姐?瀹冧篃鎻愪緵閭欢鐨勮繙绋嬬鐞嗭紝璁╀綘鐩存帴杩滅▼鍐冲畾閭欢鏄惁鏈夋敹鍙栫殑蹇呰銆?br />
銆??鍒╃敤DreamMail杩樺彲浠ヨ鐪嬫粴鍔ㄦ柊闂汇?瀹夎瀹孌reamMail涔嬪悗锛屽湪Windows鐣岄潰鐨勬涓婃柟灏变細鏈変竴涓摑鑹茬殑鏉″箙锛岄殢鏃舵樉绀哄浗鍐呭浗闄呯殑鍔ㄦ?鏂伴椈锛屼綘鍙鐐瑰嚮鐩稿簲鐨勬柊闂伙紝灏变細寮瑰嚭鏂版氮缃戠殑鏂伴椈绐楀彛璁╀綘瑙傜湅銆傜‘瀹炴槸鐢ㄥ績鑹嫤鍟婏紝闈㈠鑳藉鈥滄潵鐢垫樉绀衡?鐨凞reamMail锛屽ぇ瀹惰刀绱т笅杞借瘯鐢ㄤ竴鐣惂銆傚畠鍙傝?鐨勪笅杞界偣涓猴細锛屼笅杞藉畬鎴愮洿鎺ュ畨瑁呭嵆鍙娇鐢ㄤ簡銆?br />

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